Go Find the Daughters…

…and bring them home.

The Star House Land, taken with iphone, instagram

Have you ever felt alone? Have you ever felt that the best of your life was behind you?

Last night, as I sat in the women’s circle and received the potent medicine of the stories of my elders,  I was blessed with the grace of knowing that this beautiful life we weave, of being a woman, from maiden to sacred crone, is full of twists and turns and destiny weaved with the support of the sacred Divine.

She shows up in our sisters.

There is no doubt in my mind that I can trust in the deeper spirituality of this life and that my path will indeed unfold in magical ways beyond my wildest dreams. I have proof from the elders. I have witnessed their magic, listened to their dreams, and they have told me it is true…

We have come to be danced…

The council of elders, seven women, all over the age of sixty, sat in the North of our circular gathering space. Stunningly beautiful, radiant and powerful at the ages of sixty, seventy. Full up on the grace of knowing oneself, walking this path and surrendering to the impermanence of life.

We women sat there in circle, in the sacred, wooden, Star House made of the trees of the land upon which we sat, with a sacred altar in the center. After lighting the candles and calling in the six directions and our grandmothers, we circled. We listened. All was still as their divine wisdom flowed forth. I got chills. Again and again.

“Live an extraordinary life in an ordinary way and an ordinary life in an extraordinary way.”

“Ask for help. Know that the answer will always be given.”

“Grace. It is all done by and through grace.”

One woman is the sister who dreamed and created The Star House. A beautiful, circular home made of earth and sky and heart, blessed and built by the hands of those who love and revere the land. This magical place has served as a ritual and gathering place for thousands to come and be in the bounty of community and nature and receive her gifts.

One woman met a soul mate, had a spiritual connection and love for sixteen New Moons and then held him in her arms as he died. She said “Love never dies. The love lives on. How are you with impermanence? Are you ready?”

One started a school, teaches children through the power of story.  Connects heart and spirit to nature and teaches what we need to be connected, compassionate, caring in a home school setting, in North Boulder.

One woman was a founding member of the Waldorf Shining Mountain School in Boulder.

One edler, Alaya, who was awakened by an Indian Guru and went on to be initiated into the path of a Kona Healer and travels the world mothering, teaching, and reminding others to remember who they are, said, “We are extraordinary. Your only job is to remember, and then, once you’ve remembered, teach others to remember.”

“Listen to the voice within. The wisdom, the knowing. The PUSH.”

I realized, as I glimpsed the eternal on their faces in the flicker of the candle light, that these sisters had walked my path, they had walked through youth, dreams, despair, death, passion, marriage, divorce, birth, and they dreamed their dreams into reality to create webs of connection, mounds of support, for the daughters who would come after them. They are strong. They are radiant. They are powerful. I am She. She is me. Birthless. Deathless. I will go far beyond my wildest dreams. I have only just begun.

My job? Ha! Nothing good will ever come again? ha!

We create our own reality.

If I have forgotten my power, She, my sisters, my elders, my friends, the sacred Mother that dwells within, will remind me.

I shall follow in the footsteps of the sacred Mothers who have come before me. They have mighty shoulders upon which to stand. Stand tall, dear woman. Stand tall. She can hold you, hold it all.

If you have not been to the Star House, I invite you to check it out. I will regularly be attending New Moon Ceremonies, Full Moon Ceremonies, and Dances of Universal Peace. It would be an honor and a privilege to see you there, or travel there with you.

We are sisters. We are the divine feminine. We are here to dance, in circle, together, under the light of the moon and remember. We are here to remember. Let’s help each other remember.

In sacred sisterhood,

Rachel Claire

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