Being a Psychic in Boulder, Colorado

406131_791121584496_2054693169_nYesterday, after my client left, I went out and walked under the pale-pink skies and the setting sun.

I kept stopping and jumping up and down at my elation for being able to serve in the way that I do.

I thanked my angels for the life that is unfolding before me, for the path I get to walk.

I reflect in awe and wonder as I see the trail that lead me here. Each point along the way a honing of my craft, a necessary piece of the puzzle, that one day would fit into place perfectly and have it all make sense.

I feel that I have surrendered to spirit.

I have given my life over to a higher purpose, and I ask, pay attention, and then, most importantly, I say, “Yes.”

In my ‘yes’ to life, to my path, to the truth of my heart, I am experiencing love, abundance, joy, prosperity, ease, grace.

In essence, all my dreams are coming true.

I am a Clairvoyant healer in Boulder, Colorado. How awesome is that?

People from all around the world seek me out for counsel.

The dark night of the soul that descended upon my life in my early twenties sent me searching for guidance, healers, psychics. I was desperate and it seemed the only place I found comfort and solace was in the counsel of spiritual “seers.”

Now, over ten years later, my journey makes more sense than ever.

I get to be a light house in the dark night’s of women who are awakening to their divine feminine and ready to turn within to heed their own wise voice.

The irony is, sometimes, we need to find a touch stone that is reflective, in the form of another, before we can begin to see that we have it all inside.

I get to be the mirror that turns others towards their inner most self.

I get to do that because I learned from wise women who came before me, who happened across my path when I was sinking in the depths of despair.

Their faith, their light, helped me to find my own. We turn to each other, in time, all of us, guiding each other home, one long line of angels in flesh.

Many of my clients are women, some of them have never seen a psychic before.

They are embarking upon their spiritual journey, having an awakening, and ready to open to see more, know more, be more. They come to me to be more connected to themselves. 

I am not  a future teller. I don’t predict outcomes. I do see and feel energy. Spirit often shows me a picture of the person doing an activity they’ve enjoyed so I know I am looking at their energy and not mine, as a validation for them.

For example, I have seen a person ice skating in front of me. I ask, “Did you ice skate?” “Oh yes, I love ice skating.” She said.

In my last session I saw a basketball. “Did you play basketball?” I inquired. “Yes.” She said.

Then, I know I am tuned into the other person’s energy and I begin to see what I see and feel what I feel.

I grow with every client.

I know that I am reading their energy because I see these images Clairvoyantly and then I also feel pain in my body or sensations, also called, “Clairsentience,” or being empathic.

Recently, I was reading a client and I felt pain on my right side in my abdomen. I asked her what happened, she said she’d recently had a surgery there.

When we have a session, I feel your energy, or the energy of the people you ask about. I see pictures in my mind showing me the dynamic there and I feel where you have pain stored in your body.

We can all do this. I’ve just made it my hobby, my art, for the last ten years. Now, I make it the way I serve.

To me, I am a spiritual teacher. I get to share deep wisdom and spiritual guidance to people just awakening on their path. I say people only come to me when they are ready to see for themselves.

It takes open-mindedness to see a psychic.

It take a willingness to believe in the unknown. This is how we begin to cultivate and nurture our relationship with the divine. This is how we begin to return home, to the infinite source that flows through all things.

There is nothing more profound for me than to know that I can serve in this capacity, that people will open to me, let me take a look and see what messages are ready to be more conscious, what energies are ready to move out that no longer serve.

Only courageous, open, sensitive beings come to me.

Together, we co-create a confirmation of your life path.

I am a vision holder of your greatest potential. I am a conduit for spirit to gently remind you to continue to have faith and put one foot in front of the other on your path as you make your way to the unfoldment of the treasure chest within.

I am only a guidepost. 

I am an oracle at a crossroads, urging gentle spirits on. We all get by with a little help from our friends.

Most importantly, I am leading by example that we can leave our “jobs” if they no longer serve. We can heed the Heroine’s call when it comes, and trust that we are meant to align our passions, our creativity, our greatest joys, with the way we serve and work in the world.

Together, we birth the new world, as we get brave in our own lives and deepen our connection to what’s real. Life is a paradox. It’s ironic. What seems real is the illusion, what’s unseen is where we find that which is ever present.

With all my love,

Rachel Claire

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