I feel you knocking
Rap, tap, tap…
As if you were inside my heart
Screaming for attention
I could surrender to the tantrum and let the dam break
Succumb to the little one within who misses you and tremble
Yet I am wiser now
I straighten up a bit
Make room for breath
Breathe into the wounded, ravaged parts of me
And welcome them
I shall not shun you
I’ve only prolonged your stay
So I whisper…
It’s okay, I’m here
Tenderly mothering my broken parts
Harboring old sentiments
Worn out and tired
Ready for death
Yet without fully embracing them
Loving them
Making room for them
I cannot get them to leave…
Perhaps they’ll never go
And together, like high rises
We’ll see new heights
Side by side
Until, at last, we crumble
To make way for the new
Jen Otey says
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Jen Otey
MOONbow ARTworks