I’m sitting in my condo in Boulder listening to SARK’s recording from her awesome WINS program, which is an inspiring writing support group on-line. I so want to write like her, and by that I mean I want to use colorful pens and illustrate my own books and be creative and let my heart and creativity pour out all over the page and inspire others everywhere!
I’m packing too, I am off to Tulum, Mexico for the first time in my life. I will be in Sara Avant Stover’s Yoga Teacher Training and then I will be travelling to Chichen Itza and perhaps Playa del Carmen, Cancun and Isla de Mujeres.
This trip feels big. I am eager to be in the sunshine, feel the energy of the earth from this ancient, sacred spot and to listen to the deep voice within and refresh and renew my spirit.
Sark’s message tonight was to ask your inner wise self to show up and write a letter to yourself from Her. She gave us three minutes.
Here’s mine.
Dear Inner Wise Self,
I love you. You’re beautiful. I’m here with you. Full of love, support, joy, abundance. You can count on me. You are never alone. I’ll lift you up and guide you on. You shine. You’re complete. You’re beautiful in all your imperfections. You don’t have to get it right and you can’t get it wrong. Beauty abounds, your faith is deep. The sound of your song is long and rich and I’ll support you in singing the joy from your heart. Trust in me.
Yours forever,
Your succulent, wild, rich Self.
P.S. Loving you always
What does your inner wise self have to say to you?
I dare you to set your timer for three minutes and let her rip.
She may surprise and delight you.
Or make you cry.
Either way, isn’t time we let our inner voice shine?
Maybe you could even share yours with me in a message, or the comments below.
Until then, Adios, amiga!
From my heart, to yours, mucho amor.
Until next time, my friend, I love you.
(Can’t you just see my toes in the sand?
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