“You are not a troubled guest on this earth, you are not an accident – amidst other accidents, you were invited -from another and greater night than the one from…
The Dirty, Messy Business of Love and Why You Should Do it Anyway
I am the grand-daughter of Jaqueline Bates Haynes. She was the most unconditionally loving woman I have ever met. A quintessential grandmother. Loving words poured forth from her mouth over…
How to End Violence and Cultivate Love
“A man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone.” Henry David Thoreau As I sit here now, looking out the window…
I Am a Recovering Perfectionist
“I don’t believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive.”~Joseph Campbell I don’t want to do anything…
To Get What You Want, Know What You Value
If we don’t know what we really value, we will not create the dynamics we want. It is that simple. The reality is that we’ve inherited a lot of values…