This blog is part of a series. To read part 1, my birth story, click here. The first lesson of my labor was that there were many lessons. I learned…
Reflections on Labor and Birth Part 1: My Story
I went into labor at 3:00 a.m. on a Thursday morning. I woke up to contractions, which were about an hour apart. They were mild, felt much like period cramps,…
What it’s like as New Mom and What it Takes to Raise a Child
I gave birth to a human being 22 days ago. I’ve chosen to stay home and have a lying in period. Little did I know that this would cause so…
What You Need to Be Ready for Baby
I have a new super hero. And, she’s actually a heroine. She with a capital S. Moms. Did you know that women can grow and birth a whole human being?…
The Wounds of the Feminine: A Personal Story
It was February 2013 and for the first time I discovered the on-line world of women entrepreneurs. I found Marie Forleo’s B-School and I signed up for it. Woosh! In…