Marianne Williamson on Spiritual Healing


When I was 23, I was dating a man I’d met one day while he was waiting on our table, my friends and I, at an Italian restaurant down the street from my home.

I walked in and our eyes met. I felt an instant zing. I said to my best friend: see that man…I’m going to marry him. He introduced himself to me and then asked me out on a date for that night.

We dated for six months until the one day he walked out the door and said: see you later, honey. I didn’t see him again for another six months. He quit answering his phone. He didn’t answer his door.

I became crazy. Obsessed. One day, driving by our favorite eating place, I saw his car. I went in. There he was, with her.

I approached the table. Confronted him. I don’t even remember what I said, but I cringe to even think of that time now.

It threw me into a ‘dark night of the soul.’ I began to heal, move forward, let go of someone I loved and thought I’d be with for a long time.

I was so sad. So torn up. I needed deep spiritual relief. I was in grief. I sought out the counsel of wise ones, healers, elders, Shamans and psychics.

This is how I started my path to becoming a psychic reader myself. It was a hardship that helped me to grow and find myself.

I was young. It was time to grow up, mature, quit thinking that a guy could make me happy, or that I was alone and unloved without a boyfriend.

Someone had died to me. I was tormented. And, it was a miracle.

When people come to me now asking about their life, at a time when they’re hurting and in heartache because they themselves have experienced a death, or the loss of a boyfriend, I see it now as a miracle moment. It’s a form that has changed that offers a possibility for deep transformation and healing.

Recently, I watched an incredible video with Marie Forleo and Marianne Williamson talking about depression and suffering from a spiritual perspective.

Marianne said:

“Psychic pain brings a message just like physical pain does and you have to heed that pain. If you have psychic pain, you have to reset your thinking, in order to reset your emotions,  and then you can move forward.”

It’s true. Suffering, a dark night of the soul, pain, a death, all of these things are part of life and we have to not numb ourselves from the pain, or think that we’ll never make it or be happy or heal. We must know that there is great opportunity in our times of strife, as this is when we grow, face our cross to bear, earn our feathers, and mature on our path, so that we can be warriors of wisdom and light for others.

I hope you’ll check out this video. If you’re in pain, suffering, wondering what of the state of this world, or how you can heal your heart, click below.

This is why I do the work that I do. I love to help others to see that our pain is an opportunity to increase our depth and to gain wisdom so that we can contribute to others and up-level our lives. Pain is not to be escaped or avoided, but rather, used as a vehicle for our transformation.

If we are sensitive, open, permeable and aware beings, then we’re going to be depressed and hurting as we look at the world. This is natural. To try to escape it isn’t healthy, but to use it as fuel to heal, to increase our connection to God, is the point.

In the end of this video, around minute 23, Marianne shares a story about a study done with a troupe of depressed Chimpanzees. What they found out, and what she shares, is amazing to me. It’s the true gift of being psychic, aware and sensitive and you’ll see it’s vital to a community that we have people who are tuned in and impacted by what’s happening in life and in the world.

Don’t judge your life on whether or not you feel pain or suffer. Take pride in the power of your deep heart and its capacity to love. For, as A Course in Miracles says:

Only love is real.


All my love,


Rachel Claire

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