Sometimes you may need to upload a lot of pictures on a blog post. It might result in a long loading page and readers might need to scroll along the…
The Wounds of the Feminine: A Personal Story
It was February 2013 and for the first time I discovered the on-line world of women entrepreneurs. I found Marie Forleo’s B-School and I signed up for it. Woosh! In…
Sample post with blockquote
Marzipan cake sweet lollipop lemon drops cheesecake brownie cotton candy. Powder powder chocolate bar cupcake soufflé gummi bears ice cream sweet fruitcake. Sweet donut chupa chups bear claw jelly beans…
Surprisingly Simple Ways to Nourish Yourself: Body, Mind + Spirit
It can be quite simple to nourish ourselves. Here are my favorite ways to fill up my cup, body, mind + spirit. Buy a diffuser and enjoy the healing impact of essential…