There’s a lot of conversations I see that go something like this: “Oh, that gives me hope for the future.” ~or~ “I feel so much despair, or pain or (insert…
Reflections on the book Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
Oh, this book. Like a cool drink of water, soothing to my throat, or a deep breath that fills my yearning lungs, this book reaches into some wounded places I…
My Favorite Pregnancy Products and Books
I’m 5 months into my pregnancy. I want to share with you my favorite products and books so far! I hope that if you are pregnant (view more for…
Interview with Cory Michelle, Creator of Crazy Possible Experiment and Access Consciousness Facilitator
If you don’t know Cory Michelle, then I’m so happy to introduce to you to her. She’s an Access Consciousness Facilitator, Magical Unicorn Trainer, and creator of Crazy Possible…
The Difference Between Being Child-Like and Child-ish
A recurring theme as of late in my sessions, and what’s popping up in what I’m reading and listening to, is this idea of the magical child and it’s wounded-child…
How the Feminine Energy Creates and Why “Effort” Doesn’t Always Work
When I was a school teacher, sometimes during my lunch break I’d close the door, turn out the lights, and lie down. I was always afraid someone would come looking for…