I just set my timer to write for 15 minutes. That got me thinking of the power of 15. Abraham says to meditate every day for just 15 minutes. Kelly…
70% of People Hate their Job. Are You One of Them? (And 5 Simple Steps to Change That)
A recent Gallup survey of Americans finds nearly 75% of us “hate” our job. Not dislike, actually, “hate.” The reasons for this are many, and easy to understand. The Education…
5 Mistakes You’re Likely Making in Your Spiritual Business
For years now in my business I get on the phone each week with women from all over the world and talk with them about their spiritual gifts + their…
Why Now is the Time to Use Facebook Ads to Grow Your Business
I talk to women day in and day out who tell me that they’re afraid to spend money on Facebook Ads. I get it. Maybe you didn’t know what you…
Use this powerful tool when trying to decide between two possible choices
I had someone write to me + ask if they could just have a quick, 15 minute reading about a possible business choice she had to make. I wanted…
The Astrology of the Birth of the Divine Feminine
My business started over my kitchen table after one question: “I wonder if someone would actually pay me for a reading?” I’ll never forget my first client. I was terrified…