I had an incredibly deep and moving session with a client this past week that really opened up “shadow work” and the “dark-side” for me. I’ve heard myself saying a…
Why it’s So Hard for Women to Make and Hold Boundaries
For many years of my life I allowed people close to me to abuse me. In subtle and not so subtle ways, people trampled on my boundaries, ignored my needs,…
The Only Problem We Really Have
I sat down on Saturday afternoon while Sophia was napping to watch the previous week’s Super Soul Sunday with the one and only, Oprah. It was writer and…
Are You Unknowingly Ruining Relationships because You Keep Doing This?
When someone shares vulnerably, or deeply, this is NOT an invitation for advice. If they’re asking for your advice, then that’s an invitation to give advice. However, someone showing up…
The Results of Priming the Heart Chakra
They say that parenting is a mirror, and will bring up all our unresolved issues. I read that before I was a mama, and I totally got it. Intellectually. Abstractly….