I attended Sara Avant Stover’s Women’s Yoga Teacher Training in Tulum, Mexico. I’ve attended trainings before, I am a certified yoga instructor already. This one called to me, in that…
A Love Note From My Inner Wise Self
I’m sitting in my condo in Boulder listening to SARK’s recording from her awesome WINS program, which is an inspiring writing support group on-line. I so want to write like…
How to Forgive, Heal and Empower Your Relationships
“Forgiveness is not an occasional act; it is a permanent attitude.” ~Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Sometimes relationships hurt and they are painful and we have to leave. It can…
Illuminated in My Awkward Love
I only lose things of value. I once owned a pair of diamond earrings. I lost them. I seem to only lose the most expensive, or valuable things I own….
How to Limit Distractions and Fulfill Your Dreams
Dear Friends, Happy new year! I hope you’ve enjoyed this holiday season. I know for me, it was a bit challenging in places, as my heart and soul wanted to…
A New Year’s Reflection
In 2012, I served young people, at the elementary school where I taught, for the last time. We practiced yoga together, did daily meditations, raised their test scores, reading levels,…