Do you believe that life is meant to be FUN? Do you believe it’s OKAY to always be on the cutting edge of creation, wanting more, desiring to create more?…
Changing the World with Our Angels, One Small Step at a Time
I was at Target getting some things for Sophia. I overheard some grandparents arguing in the diaper aisle. Grandma wanted to just go ahead and buy a package and return…
How to Heal Yourself
I’ll never forget the day I walked in to my first ever healing class at Psychic Horizons, in Boulder, Colorado. There were about five of us in a small room…
What to Do When the Worlds Gone Mad
It’s trying times. We’re on the verge of a revolution. Change. What’s hidden must boil up to the surface to be healed. Killings. Mass Shootings. Racism. War. Bombings. Oil spills….
Are You Having a Relationship or a Fantasy?
The other night I was sitting in my favorite rocker nursing Sophia. I turned on the TV and found a show called, “90 Day Fiance.” The premise is that there…