I’ve been wrestling with the awareness that what’s fun for me is changing. The types of people I desire to be around, have changed. What I want to do in…
Rituals for Creating Your Shining New Year
Happy New Year, my love! I took a wonderful vacation from my normal routine + biz. I went to Florida with my love, swam in the ocean, buried my toes…
What Makes a Relationship a Relationship?
In follow-up to my post about narcissists called, The Problem with Being Swept off Your Feet” I want to distinguish the difference between a narcissist we can be in relationship…
How to Market Yourself and Attract Clients in 5 Easy Steps
Does the word psychic make you squirm? Some of my friends report that they don’t like my website name, The Boulder Psychic. You’re so much more than a psychic! They…
Why You Should Not Have Sex With Him
“A boy’s rite of passage into manhood is when he stops seeing women, children, and animals as sources of personal gratification and instead sees them as recipients of his manful,…
When Love Is Not Enough
How do we navigate love and what seems like the end of love? They say things change, but what about when that one dynamic happens over and over again…