It seems that my most popular blog post ever was one where I emasculated men. To all the men who read this blog, to all men everywhere, I am sorry….
How to Feel Better and Heal Your Broken Heart
My clients often have questions about love. Whether we want to know when we’ll meet that special someone, or if we should stay in our current relationship, we want guidance…
How to Heal Our Sexual Wounds and Reclaim Our Feminine Nature
I attended Sara Avant Stover’s Women’s Yoga Teacher Training in Tulum, Mexico. I’ve attended trainings before, I am a certified yoga instructor already. This one called to me, in that…
What You Need to Know About Women
Women, how often do you think about your safety? When was the last time that you were afraid for your physical safety? What you need to know about…
Why You Should Not Have Sex With Him
“A boy’s rite of passage into manhood is when he stops seeing women, children, and animals as sources of personal gratification and instead sees them as recipients of his manful,…
How to Be in A Relationship
Let’s take the man vs. woman out of the equation. Instead of saying, “this is what women want” or “this is what men want” lets say, in relationships, one partner…