I’m so happy to introduce to you my friend + colleague, Brandi Mackenzie. She’s a transformational nutrition coach who assists people in healing through food and can really help…
The Surprising Power in Admitting When You’re Being a Jerk
When I participated in seminars with Landmark Education, the Landmark Forum was often about helping us own up to our stuff. One powerful practice was truly getting our impact on…
Lessons I Learned from One of My Favorite Movies: Chocolat
The other night, as rain poured again outside my window, I chose to curl up with a good movie. I picked an old favorite, a movie I’ve often referenced as…
All I Needed Was the Love You Gave
A friend of mine is leaving Boulder. Last night on a farm north of town, we gathered in circle to celebrate her, to love her, to send her off knowing she…
You Don’t Have to Be Good, Just Be You and Other Musings on the Wounded-Psychic Archetype
I was flipping through an old journal the other night and came to a page that read, “Stop being good. Just be Rachel.” I must have gotten that from my…