You’re doing your work in the world, you have a lot to offer and you want to share your gifts with others. Maybe you’re just starting out in your conscious…
How to Know if Your Chakras are Blocked and 3 Simple Ways to Open Them
I was watching Dr. Oz the other day because he was doing a show all about the Chakras! YES! The western world is catching up, and these energy centers, once…
Quick Tip for Clearing out Other People’s Energy
Hello love! It’s so important (and easy!) to clean our energetic space and to CHOOSE to consciously move other people’s energy out of our space! What’s so great about that?…
What Makes a Relationship a Relationship?
In follow-up to my post about narcissists called, The Problem with Being Swept off Your Feet” I want to distinguish the difference between a narcissist we can be in relationship…
The Problem with Being Swept Off Your Feet
My therapist sat next to me on her office couch, comforting me in my tears. Then, she asked a question that no one had ever asked me before. “What was…
Are You Stingy with Your Likes? How Facebook is a New Currency that You Can Use to Change the World
“Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.”~Henry Wordsworth Longfellow I’ve noticed an interesting phenomena. When I share a status update about my…