Dearly Beloved, If there’s one job we have in relationship, it’s to clearly communicate our needs. Then, it’s up to the other person whether or not they’ll meet them. The…
The Top Two Things Women Must Do to Heal & Attract a Healthy Relationship
It can be hard to voice our needs once we are in relationship. We fear that we may lose the other person, or, that we’ll be judged. We’d rather die than…
What Makes a Relationship a Relationship?
In follow-up to my post about narcissists called, The Problem with Being Swept off Your Feet” I want to distinguish the difference between a narcissist we can be in relationship…
The Problem with Being Swept Off Your Feet
My therapist sat next to me on her office couch, comforting me in my tears. Then, she asked a question that no one had ever asked me before. “What was…
5 Quick Tips for Healing
“The master sticks to her tools.” ~Lao Tzu Sunday night I enjoyed going to sleep to the sound of rain. Monday day it rained again and we had a fierce thunder-storm….